Dax Lily

New York City | 5'3" | 112 lbs | Brown Eyes | Brown Hair
Television Role Director
Divided Series Regular Dir. Jaylin Pressley
Limits of Therapy Series Regular Dir. Dax Lily
It's Always Something Series Regular Dir. Stephen D’Anna
The SAP Project Recurring Guest Star Dir. Sameh Abdallah
Symptoms of Depression Guest Star Dir. Dan Simon
Film Role Director
Killer Winter Lead Dir. Ray Acevedo
Loss and Love in LA Lead Dir. Chris Hancock
Infinity Lead Dir. Wanly Florexile
Oreo Lead Dir. Bradley Macena
Nine-Ten Lead Dir. Leonel Severino
Scratch Lead Dir. Sam Shapiro
Pickwick Road Supporting Dir. Sam Kane
Cherriest Jam Supporting Dir. Henning Morales
The Mongoose Supporting Dir. Louis Bacigalupo
T.U.C. Stories Supporting Dir. Phil Tudeme
Life of a Zoe Supporting Dir. Wanly Florexile
List Available Upon Request
Off Broadway Theater Role Company
College Without Walls Terry Manhattan Repertory Theatre
The Runner Stumbles Sister Rita The Westfield Players
A Sketch of New York Amy The Producer’s Club
Vampyre's Lair Anastasia Westside Theatre
The Heidi Chronicles Becky The Shea Center
Loud Whispers, Silent Screams Emily Stage 42



The Lyndon Technique Amy Lyndon
The Acting Axiom James Ciconne
MN Acting Studio Dena Tyler
MN Acting Studio Blair Baker
MN Acting Studio Van Hansis
MN Acting Studio Katie Flahive
Private Studio John Windsor-Cunningham
Action Theater Conservatory Kathleen Kellaigh
Special Skills
Driver’s License, Valid US Passport, Figure Skating, Gymnastics, Improvisation